Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Graduation Night

The little home school group that Trish and I started held an informal event night. Part of it was for graduation, and the rest was for fun. Our Theatre Class performed a play (videos to come) and all the kids recited poetry, played piano, or worked behind the scenes.

Because Greyson is not standing all the way WITH his group, he looks super important. He did not plan this.

McKenna did a really sweet sing-song poem about "Beach Time".

Greyson's was a short piece entitled: "Soggy Greens".

Tristan in costume, waiting for his cue with Ethan and Josh.

And the honored Graduate!

In All of the Places....

Occasionally I will hear Sawyer from the back seat of the van saying:
"Mom! Look at that cool car, can I drive it?"

Here's the last one he liked.

Here he is "driving" it.

And here is a REAL Formula One race car.

In all of the places, they picked our little one-stop-light town for their display. It was for Sawyer, of course. Because at four years old, this is his list:
"I want a car, and a race car, and a motorcycle, and a motorbike, and a four wheeler. And a beach (jeep). "
Daddy took them down the street to see these cars. And when Sawyer got back this is all he said: "When do I get to drive the race car?"

Things You'll Find Around My House

A random shot....

It had been a bad day, for Toad.

Friday, May 30, 2008

This is What it Looks Like When We Go to the Park

First we get our work done, then we go have fun.

Swings. You can mount...


Go low....

and go high...


You can wear them...

Carry them...

or get rocks out of them.

Whales. They are for looking coy on...

And riding even when you're too big.

Spiderman's web is for climbing to the top of...

and glancing sideways while you do it.

Dandelions are for blowing....

Monkey bars are for monkeys...

Greyson's are for being handsome...

And Tristy's are for cuteness.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

You Have Five Lives....

And if Donald Duck touches the ground you die.

Fling that duck to your brother or sister, Tristan!

Sawyer only has two left.

Why are they playing the Donald Duck game? Because it's Clean the House Day, and it's better than vacuuming and dusting and shining mirrors.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Unsticking Toads

This is what my children do when they are supposed to be cleaning up the kitchen:

Toad was looking for a new house and got stuck.....

A Normal Day?

This should be a normal day. Quarantine is lifted and except for this dank, lingering cough rattling around in every one's chest, we are okay.

Seemingly, they survived our impromptu jaunt to the lakeside unscathed. Here they are building, and munching muffins at breakfast.

"Tristan, what are those sticks?" Sawyer asked.
"Guys." Tristan answered matter-of-factly.
And that was the end of the inquiry. Kids know all about 'guys'.

Last night we weeded the front tulip bed and Kiki took a break to play with Daisy. She loves to drum on her tummy. Daisy paws the air and gets a wild gleam in her eye.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


We haven't been out since a pox fell upon our house. Today we couldn't take it any more and we all piled into the van to go to our new favorite place- the lakeshore. Same place, diff. pics.

Wait! Wait for meeeeeeeeee.

Aren't these ferns cool? If I were a bug I'd want to live here.

I like this picture because Kiki looks like just another boulder.

Sawyer spent his time skippin' along the shore...

A rare still moment.

Another one!

Sawyer and Tristan usually hang out together...

Whoever beats, gets!

Mom, take a cool picture of me here.

They usually scatter like buckshot, sometimes I can get them all together....

Here's Branch, with a kiki in the background.

Greyson as Tom Hanks, in "Castaway".

This is Greyson, just before he steps on that slippery log and falls down.

This is him checking to see if anyone saw him do it. (notice the green slime spot on his seat)

This is Kiki with a stranger in the background ruining the shot.

This is Greyson realizing that the cool tree I asked him to lean up against is full of spider webs.

This is how the day ended after we got home.